A webinar on clean energy

Events — July 2021

What does clean energy mean for your investment portfolio?

Please join a webinar with Roscoe Widdup and Dimitri Tsangalis, Portfolio Managers of T8 Energy Vision – a fund dedicated to clean energy.
The ways in which energy has been generated, stored, moved and consumed for over a century are changing: the clean energy revolution.
Roscoe and Dimitri will provide insights into the changes occurring in energy markets and the opportunities for investors over the next decade, including:

  • What is clean energy and why should investors pay attention?
  • Which asset classes, sectors and industries contain the beneficiaries?
  • Case studies on key industries e.g. solar, wind, EVs, hydrogen, etc.
  • Q&A

WHEN 11am AEST – Thursday, 29 July 2021

WHERE zoom.us/j/2124471018

RSVP info@t8cap.com